Welcome to Asia sea inspection Service Co.,Ltd!

Social Accountability Audit

"Pricing, products and services are no longer the sole arbiters of commercial success... it is business that must take the lead in taming the global frontier. Business must take the lead in establishing rule of law in emerging markets. Business must take the lead in stopping bribery. Business must take the lead in bringing order to cyberspace. Business must take the lead in ensuring that technology does not split the world into haves and have nots." (by Dominic A. Tarantino, Chairman)

To make sure that neither you nor your customers have regrets, We suggests you use our social accountability audit (COC audit) service. Our experienced auditors will go to the factory to represent your interest to check if it complies with international standard such as SA8000 which is developed by Social Accountability International. Thus we can help you find out what type of company you are about to do business with A report with full information will be emailed to you within 24 hours and made available on the internet, from any computer, for exclusive use.

We will personally go to the factory to represent your company's interests by surveying:

  • Child labor
  • Forced labor
  • Minimum wage
  • Workplace safety and health
  • Social benefits
  • The right to organize
  • Discrimination
  • Working hours
  • Protection of the environment

Your benefits:

  • Enhance your company's image.
  • Ensure that the supplier you have chosen is socially accountable.
  • No need for you to be on-the-spot. Save your money, save your time!